Sunday, September 2, 2007

Logging roads Hyampom, CA

I'm waiting to back down the road to the right. It's only wide enough for the truck. Some tree limbs are sticking out and will scrape the side of the truck or if large enough, knock my mirror out of adjustment or break off an antenna.

When I get to the landing (where the logs are loaded), the loader picks up my trailer, I pull forward while he lowers it to the ground, and I back up and hook it up. Then the logs are loaded as this truck ahead of me. There is not much room on either side of the truck. This is a heel boom loader aka. a shovel. It loads from the back of the truck so there is no need to build a big landing

Whale on the beach!

Here is a humpback that washed up along the Oregon coast earlier this year.

Friday, June 15, 2007

I started when I was young.

Bob is really Dr. Who.

I finally have proof that Bob is Dr. Who. He has changed from a phone booth to a bus stop, but it's unmistakeable.
I drove by here four times a day for several months. Talk about a reminder!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007